Eleven-year-old Amy lives with her mom, Mariam, and younger brother, awaiting her father to rejoin the family from Senegal. Amy is fascinated by disobedient neighbor Angelica’s free-spirited dance clique named “Cuties”, a group that stands in sharp contrast to stoic Mariam’s deeply held traditional values. Undeterred by the girls’ initial brutal dismissal and eager to escape her family’s simmering dysfunction, Amy, through an ignited awareness of her burgeoning femininity, propels the group to enthusiastically embrace an increasingly sensual dance routine, sparking the girls’ hope to twerk their way to stardom at a local dance contest.
Cuties (2020)
Genre: Comedy, Drama
IMDB Rating: 1.7/10
File Size: 357.80 MB
Starring: Fathia Youssouf, Médina El Aidi-Azouni, Esther Gohourou
Release Date: September 9, 2020
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